Green packaging leads to a better life


Invention Patents


National Ministry of Light Industry Science and Technology Progress Award

20 +

Provincial Industrial New Products

Provincial High-tech Enterprise Research and Development Center

Provincial High-tech Enterprise Research and Development Center

Academician Expert Workstation

Academician Expert Workstation

Provincial Special Paper-based New Materials Research Institute

Provincial Special Paper-based New Materials Research Institute


涓浗鍖荤枟鍣ㄦ琛屼笟鍗忎細鍖荤枟鍣ㄦ鍖呰涓撲笟濮斿憳浼氱悊浜嬪崟浣? title=
绉戝鎶€鏈繘姝ュ涓夌瓑濂?鍖荤枟闃昏弻鍖呰鐢ㄧ焊鍏抽敭鎶€鏈紑鍙戝強浜т笟鍖栧叕鍙? title=
绉戝鎶€鏈繘姝ュ浜岀瓑濂? title=
绉戞妧鍨嬩腑灏忎紒涓氳瘉涔? title=
鏁板瓧鍖栬溅闂? title=
鐪佺骇浼佷笟鐮旂┒闄? title=
鎭掕揪鐗圭绾哥渷绾ч珮鏂版妧鏈紒涓氱爺绌跺紑鍙戜腑蹇? title=
2023骞村害榫欐父鍘块噸澶х鎶€鏀诲叧璇鹃鈥滄彮姒滄寕甯呪€濋」鐩壙鎷呭崟浣? title=
涓浗鍖栧伐鎯呮姤淇℃伅鍗忎細鐜繚绾镐骇涓氫笓涓氬鍛樹細鍓富浠诲鍛樺崟浣? title=

Invention Patent

An environmentally friendly water resistant reinforced latex for paper and its preparation method and application
A Cationic Waterborne Polyurethane lotion and Its Preparation and Application
A cationic type
A chlorine free wet strength agent and its preparation method
A multi-layer stacking device for dialysis functional paper
A medical packaging paper with high antibacterial properties and its preparation method
A core-shell surface adhesive reinforcement agent and its preparation method
An oil resistant packaging paper and its preparation method
A high stiffness straw liner paper and its preparation method
Preparation method of low quantitative wax free food packaging paper
Preparation method of high conductivity composite special paper
A dispersed copolymer of organic boron composite crosslinking agent and cationic polymer, its preparation method and application, and papermaking method
Preparation process of food grade antibacterial packaging paper
Preparation process of medical antibacterial packaging paper
An organic titanium paper surface enhancer and its preparation method
A solid AKD surface sizing agent and its preparation method
Preparation method of reinforcing fibers for special paper
A water-based waterproof and oil proof agent for special paper and its preparation method
Preparation method of crosslinking graft modified polyvinyl alcohol surface enhancer
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